

The past few months in Second Life....and Real Life... have been quite a lot for me. Today I am pondering on some things, some people, and some attitudes I have dealt with lately.

In a world where we can be anything, so many often choose to be hateful, hurtful, and bitter. So many choose to pass judgment on others without knowing them or their story. Rumor mills are awful. You'd think when we have a choice to live a brand new life, we would choose to do it with love. Sadly, it doesn't seem like that's a choice many make.

Here's the deal: my happiness does not depend on the approval of others. Yours shouldn't either. I don't decide who I like or dislike based upon how others feel about that person; I let our interactions determine who they are. I would hope others do the same. 

If you find yourself constantly with another person's name slipping through your lips in a negative way, just remember that the words you say will always tell more about you than the person you speak of. Gossip is a fool's conversation. 

I am going to remember some wise advice I have always been given, and something I do more often in my Real Life than in Second Life. See the best in others. Always assume positive intent until proven otherwise. Most people are good people. 

Be kind to yourself and others.



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